
Address book and privacy

  • GDPR
  • /
  • Thu Mar 09 10:29:00 CET 2023

Do you know the location of your address book storage? When you add contacts to your mobile phone, are you aware of their storage location? Typically, contacts can be stored on your SIM card, but these cards have limited capacity, putting your address book at risk of loss or damage.

To mitigate these risks, it's advisable to store your address book in the Cloud. Most modern devices, including Xiaomi, Huawei, Apple, Google, and others, offer cloud services for this purpose. However, it's essential to consider whether these services are fully compliant with GDPR regulation



address book mobile

At ServerMX, we offer an Address Book in the Cloud service that is fully GDPR compliant. We are committed to providing open-source cloud solutions, and currently, we offer the SOGo open-source groupware. With SOGo, you can manage your address book, calendar, and email directly through your web browser.

SOGo supports cardDAV, an internationally recognized standard protocol designed to enable users to access, share, and synchronize their data across all their devices, including web browsers, smartphones, and tablets.

The configuration process varies for each device and operating system.

For Apple devices, there's no need for additional software since they come with native support for the cardDAV protocol. Here's how to configure it:

Apple calDAV cardDAV

For using cardDAV with an Android device you need to install an app, for example:

Android calDAV cardDAV

No matter which Cloud Service you utilize, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of understanding how your Address Book is stored. With this knowledge, consumers can make informed choices



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