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Bayes setting on Roundcube

Servermx makes available for its customers several email clients: Roundcube, Squirrel, Sogo, Afterlogic. About these, Roundcube could be configured with additional plug-ins.

We at servermx use Roundcube in conjunction with Spam Assassin.

There are several options to configure and customize Spamassassin in Roundcube; among these, we have Bayes settings.

Bayes settings permit to improve the control over the spam. The name Bayes comes from “Bayes Theorem” in the scope of mathematics probability. The Bayes Theorem concerns the probability of the occurrence of an event in consequence of another.

Bayes concerns the ability to identify spam based on the analysis results of emails classified as spam in the past.

We advice our customer to modify carefully the base configuration of Bayes because they are reserved to advanced users.

But let’s go to see how to configure spam in Roundcube.

The following figure shows an overview of the options available on Roundcube.

Roundcube anti-spam Bayes


1) Main options - Use Bayesian style classifier

Check this if you want to use the plug-in to classify the email as “Spam” or “Non Spam”.

2) Main options - Use Bayesian rules

By clicking on quotation mark on the right side we can see the clear and comprehensive help provided by the plug-in:

Roundcube Bayes configuration - Use Bayesian rules


3) Main options - Use Bayes auto learn

By clicking on quotation mark on the right side we can see the clear and comprehensive help provided by the plug-in:

Roundcube Bayes configuration - Use Bayes auto learn


4) Auto learn options – Non Spam threshold

As you can read Spam Assassin “learns” when to consider non spam messages by checking the emails having spam score less the 0.1 (please not that the spam score is formatted in two ways: float or integer; so 0.1 in float format is equivalent to 1 in the integer format).

Roundcube Bayes configuration - Non Spam threshold


5) Auto learn options – Non Spam threshold

As you can read Spam Assassin “learns” when to consider spam messages by checking the emails having spam score more then 12 (120 in the integer format).

Roundcube Bayes configuration - Spam threshold


Clicking on save save your option in the permanent store (database).

Clicking on Restore Default Settings will restore default settings. Please take in mind that Bayes plugin works in conjunction with Address rules, so if you confirm “Restore Default Settings” you will delete any previous rule, including your address rules.

In conclusion, we suggest to modify the Bayes settings only by user advanced and to monitor the changes in spam detection. The configuration of this plug-in is an iterative process, so you need to check the effects of the configuration changes to target the right configuration for your needs.

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